Going over Small Curbs /Thresholds
Always go straight over curbs/thresholds
Do not go over a threshold on only one wheel, otherwise the wheelchair could topple over sideways. Always go over obstacles at a 90° angle (see Figure 49, “Thresholds may only be crossed at a 90° angle ”)
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Make sure you have enough space when going over thresholds
When crossing thresholds in drive mode, the wheelchair may accelerate sharply for a short time afterwards because of the braking effect exerted by the threshold and then move forwards. It is essential that you practise how to do this before crossing thresholds in narrow spaces (e.g. if a threshold is immediately followed by a wall). If you feel uncomfortable, use track mode. This enables you to cross thresholds in a very controlled manner.
High thresholds
If the obstacle is higher than 50 mm, use the stair or track mode to clear it.
Going up small thresholds
Note the following if you have to go up and over obstacles such as curbs:
Find the place where the obstacle is at its lowest point.
Approach the obstacle in a straight line and with slight a run-up (approx. 3 km/h).
Just before you reach the obstacle. release the joystick briefly. This raises the track tips slightly and increases the ground clearance, see Figure 50, “Driving up thresholds: Shortly before the main wheel reaches the threshold, the joystick should be briefly released (brought to the middle position).”..
Once you have gone over the obstacle, you can accelerate again immediately.
When going over an obstacle, it can help, where possible, to use your upper body to get over it (by leaning forward slightly).
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Going down small thresholds
Note the following if you have to go down obstacles such as curbs:
Find the place where the obstacle is at its lowest point.
Approach the obstacle slowly and in a straight line.
Just before you reach the obstacle. Release the joystick briefly and let the remaining speed carry you down over the obstacle. This ensures maximum ground clearance.
Once you have gone over the obstacle, you can accelerate again immediately.
When going down over an obstacle, it can help, where possible, to use your upper body to get over it (by leaning backward slightly). This helps to optimise the ground clearance even further.