Never lean forward on a downhill slope
Never lean forward on a downhill slope, especially when braking. Remain seated in the wheelchair or lean back a little (perhaps recline the back support). This ensures the best possible ground clearance and thus the shortest possible braking distance.
On downhill slopes, always move the seat lift back as far as possible
If you move the seat lift forward, the center of gravity is shifted forward and the braking distance may increase significantly, especially on slopes. For this reason, always move the seat lift as far back as possible before going down a slope.
Automatic lowering of the tracks - reduce speed before going up and down slopes
When you are driving fast on level ground, Scewo BRO automatically lowers the tracks slightly. If you towards an uphill slope quickly, the tracks can hit the ground at the front and the wheelchair will stop abruptly. For this reason, reduce your speed to below approx. 4 km/h before each incline so that the wheelchair retracts the tracks all the way.
Foot support can collide with the ground
If you have configured the foot support so that it is very long, it may hit the ground on steep slopes and drag along. This can bring the wheelchair to an abrupt stop. Check that the slope does not exceed 6° and drive up in track mode if necessary. It may also help to lean slightly forward or to raise the angle of the foot support slightly.
If the tracks touch the ground on uphill slopes
The tracks may hit the ground at the front on steep uphill slopes and the wheelchair may no longer be able to accelerate or may even start reversing slowly. If this happens, you should turn 90° to the slope and use track mode to ascend the slope. If you still have upper body strength, you can also lean forward slightly. This helps to increase the ground clearance. However, note the maximum allowed angle of 6° / 10.5 % when you are in drive mode.
When you can no longer brake on a steep slope, trigger an emergency stop
If you are going too fast on a slope that is too steep and are no longer able to brake, press the standby button immediately to trigger an emergency stop (see Section Emergency Shutdown). Try to avoid this situation at all costs. The wheelchair may topple over.
Descend slopes slowly. Particular care is required when driving down slopes as the wheelchair may pick up speed. When Scewo BRO detects that you are travelling on a slope, the tracks are automatically raised completely. The following maneuvers may cause the wheelchair to overturn or cause injury to the user if the instructions are not followed:
Never perform an emergency stop on a slope without a good reason.
Never drive backwards down a slope.
Do not make sharp turns when going uphill
Never lean your upper body forward when descending slopes.
Steep slopes can be overcome in track mode, see Track Mode.